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St. Aloysius on the Ohio Parish is one of the most pleasant and faith driven parishes on the westside. The parishioners of St. Aloysius on the Ohio would love to have you join them at liturgy celebrations and at any of the many social events we bring about. Come to St. Al’s one day for the nostalgia. You will find yourself excited with our quaint parish. Find the time. It will bring peace to your soul.


Business Manager


Lectors: The purpose of this ministry is to help each individual learn how to proclaim the Word of God effectively to the assembled community. New parishioners are invited contact Ken Harmeyer at 513-314-2823 or


Communion Distributors: Assist distributing Holy Communion at parish masses and communion services. Contact Diane Schuster at 513-941-4488.


Servers: An opportunity for boys and girls (grades 5, 6, 7, and 8) and high school/adults/families to serve at weekend masses. Ben Schmidt 513-941-2107


Mass Announcements: Fr. Michael Cordier 513-941-3445, #6


Sacristan/Votive Candles: Connie Nanney


Ushers: This group will be at the doors to welcome you, to seat you if needed and to take up the collection. 


St. Al’s Angels: Caring parish members willing to respond in emergency situations and other times of need.  Contact the parish office.


Communion To Shut-Ins: Holy Communion is taken to the sick and home-bound parishioners weekly. Contact Ben Schmidt at 513-941-2107 or Mike Klapper at 513-484-8049.


Hospital Visitations: Contact the parish office at 513-941-3445.


Prayer Chain: Our parish prayer chain is always available to pray for your special intention. If you have a special need, which you would like to have included in our prayers, please call Cathy Meyer at  513-941-4435


Bereavement Committee: Assists grieving families in planning liturgies for their loved ones, including the readings, musicians, ministers if needed, etc. Contact Dottie Cummings 513-235-1250, Connie Nanney 513-259-1847 or Cindy Delaney at 513-253-1546.


Christmas Tree / Donations: Denny Meyer at 513- 941-4435


Wednesday Prayer Service: Catherine Jaspers at 513-941-1408


Caring & Sharing: Ben Schmidt at 513-941-2107


Collection Counters: Ron Schuster at 513-490-0090


Landscape Crew: Ben Schmidt at 513-941-2107


Hollow: Tom Baldwin 513-919-7169


Parish Carpenter: Mark Vincent at 513-941-6728


Parish Electrician: John Yunker at 513-941-8823


SAOTO Alumni: Amy Linneman at 513-310-1402

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