When we share everyone has enough
I could certainly be described as a picky eater. Not only don’t I experiment with my food selections I tend to eat the same stuff over and over and the more processed and the less fresh it is the more I like it. I do eat vegetables but only if they are from a can. I don’t eat green beans under any circumstances either fresh or from a can and I will pick green beans out of soups. However, I love lima beans – but cooked for over an hour and smothered in butter. I like turnips the same way. I don’t eat any salads – ever. Not only do I like meat cooked “overdone” I like it cooked so that many people would say it can no longer be said to be meat.
Now, if you think that is picky eating, when my youngest brother Gerard was a child, he would only eat Rice Krispy’s! Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, that’s all he would eat. My mother was so concerned she took him to the doctor. “Dr. Kitt” she said, “he will only eat Rice Krispy’s nothing else.” The doctor, a great genius in the Irish medical profession, told her, “well, feed him what he likes and don’t worry about him.” Today Gerard is six feet talk, about 220 pounds, and eats everything.
It has always amazed me how people here in the States have the custom of “bringing a plate” or “a dish” to social events. Amazingly, when everyone brings something there is always enough to go around. And another amazing thing is that although many plates are similar nothing is exactly the same, and there is always a great variety. Everyone brings something, everyone eats something, everyone has enough, and nobody is left out. It is a great witness to charity, care, and community.
The feast we are invited to by God takes place in heaven, but the invitation has already gone out. We have received the invitation and we are either preparing for the feast or we are not. We are either accepting the invitation or we are choosing to do something else. Everyone is asked to do something to prepare for the feast and everyone brings something with them. What we bring is the good we have done in life, the love we have shared, the kind, compassionate, charitable, courageous, and good things of our life. We don’t bring the treasures of this world; we only bring the treasures that are in our hearts. That’s what we will offer to God – only what is in our heart.
Here, in our Family of Parishes, everyday I see people living a good life, courageous, charitable, kind, faithful people who care and provide for each other. I see parents and grandparents, living for their children; children caring for the parents and grandparents; I see families coming together to worship God; I see people contributing time, talent and treasure to make sure that what our communities need to be a shining light we have. I see people giving and caring to provide for the poor, taking a stand for life, speaking up for the voiceless and oppressed. So many good works of every kind. I see the faithful attending Mass and offering prayers and sacrifices. Now all of this is how to prepare for the feast in heaven with God. Clothe yourself with doing good and being good. That’s the robe we will wear in heaven at the Lord’s feast.